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Writer's pictureKendell Hutchison


Updated: Jul 5, 2019

These readings are by Kend5ell Hutchison (instagram: @kend5ell), dm her for personal readings !!!


Knight of Pentacles

9 of Wands

8 of Cups

The Moon

The Magician

The Devil

7 of Wands

This month is a journey of introspection and power my aries friends!!! At the beginning of the month, you will receive a new offer, possibly work related. You are given this opportunity as a reward for your ability to go with the flow and stay in tune with yourself. You remain unbothered by petty or mindless distractions, rather you stay in alignment with yourself and your goals. Then, the journey begins. Although you’ve been offered this opportunity, there’s work to be done. This is the time to rest, to heal, and recuperate. Spend time with yourself enjoying time away from work and stress. Emotions may reach a peak and can feel overwhelming but there is a reason for it. Although you cannot see the vision clearly, know that now is not the time to know your plan. Logic is not necessary at this time, instead your emotions are where you will spend majority of your time and energy. There is also an energy of evaluation and walking away. The 8 of Cups reveals that through evaluation you can see where disharmony lies in your life. Not only will you notice this disharmony, but you are encouraged you to take the step away from whatever this situation is, it doesn’t align with your highest self baby!!! As month goes on you venture out of this emotional time where the universe will BRING IN THE MAGIC. Through this healing you enter TRANSFORMATION, spread your wings, and TAKE OWNERSHIP OF THEM. Feel your power, speak your mind, and express yourself authentically. You’ve felt the sad emotions, now let them free. Speak your mind and stand up for yourself. BUT, keep in mind it’s best to pick your battles. FEEL YOUR WARRIOR ENERGY THIS MONTH MY FIRE SISTAS, take a leap of faith!!! Release your fear, your burdens, and unbalanced or toxic energy in your life. Be diligent in your work opportunities and prove to yourself & the world, just how STRONG, HARDWORKING, AND INCREDIBLE YOU ARE.




10 of Pentacles

5 of Swords

The World

The Emperor

6 of Wands

4 of Swords

The month begins with an awareness that every action we take has a reaction. Keeping this in mind, make sure that you listen carefully to others and become an observer this month. By doing this and maintaining a student mentality you will achieve a balanced mindset. This month you will feel a calm sense of peace and abundance flowing through and to you. You may have to take a different approach to a plan you had previously set. Rethink and allow yourself to see where your original plan wouldn’t or didn’t work in the past. Because the Karma card is present, it is important to recognize patterns repeating themselves in your life and how to improve them. In gaining this neutral perspective you will feel a sense of balance and piece. GOOD NEWS! Through introspection, comes a union of soul and source. This is such a positive message!!! Your reward for your time of reflection!! Do everything this month with divine and heartfelt intention. Enlightenment is opening for you and you are becoming a beacon of MANIFESTATION. Embrace your strength and confidence it is leading you to a leadership role. You are filled with passion, action, and inspiration! A fresh voice and vision, positive change is afoot. At the end of this month, you have gained a new perspective and vison for your life and others see this !!! you are mastering your skills and stepping into your destiny, SO STOKED FOR YOU!


King of Pentacles

9 of Wands

8 of Swords

9 of Swords

Wheel of Fortune

Queen of Cups

5 of Cups

I see that recently you have accomplishments in your work life. You’ve grown in your confidence and where you feel you’re going in life, know that you are on the right path and trust! But take it easy, you’ve worked hard let yourself rest! Take a break and allow the abundance you’ve made, come to you fully. This time of rest allows for much needed lessons to be learned internally. You are too hard on yourself sometimes and it can be one of your biggest downfalls. You have the power, skills, and strength to break through the limitations you’ve set up for yourself. Confront your fears and judgement and step into your power! With the Wheel of Fortune card present there is obvious change happening right now. Go with the flow! Life has its ebbs and flows, now is the time for you to surrender to it. Focus on spending time in reflection as there will be breakthroughs in your spiritual journey this month. By attuning to your heart space, you naturally give and receive love EFFORTLESSLY. But, notice what relationships are not an equal give&take. Some of you may take a break from a certain situation, friendship, or relationship. It will not be easy, loss never is, but it is for the best and will help you get a better grasp on energetic boundaries and limitations in life.


Queen of Cups

7 of Swords

The Empress

6 of Cups

4 of Swords

Queen of Wands

Page of Pentacles

OOO WEE Cancers do we have some STRONG FEMININE ENERGY in this reading!!! It’s your time lil water babes, happy CANCER SZN! This month you are truly embracing your independence. You are self-sufficient and diligent in your responsibilities, work, personal growth, and health. This month there is a big focus on trusting your intuition AND taking action on it. Keep your eyes on the prize and remain calm in the chaos. Trust that YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON. THE EMPRESS IS PRESENT SAYING THIS LOUD AND CLEAR. You are healing and acting from your heart space. YOU ARE STEPPING INTO THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF. With mercury retrograde, make sure to take a moment to look at patterns in your life and learn those lessons. Although you are stepping further into alignment, you must look back and make adjustments moving forward. You are very protected this month; everything is in accordance. I am also seeing you deepen your relationship with yourself!!! You are focusing in on what you WANT and what you DESERVE. Have faith and confidence, the 4 of Swords is the ultimate “you can do it!” card! As you learn and grow, taking these lessons and embracing your truest self, continue to keep peace within. This is not a time to take charge, rather it’s the time to enjoy your challenges, trust your intuition, and stay grounded. In doing this, you will gain mad respect from those around you!


The Lovers

4 of Wands

2 of Wands

3 of Swords

7 of Pentacles

6 of Pentacles

6 of Swords

AHH MY LEO SISTERS AND BROTHERS, happy July!! Leo season is ALMOST HERE! As the month begins, there is a clear energy of union. The Lovers brings about a new relationship or deepening your relationship for those coupled. What a beautiful energy to start the month with! This card represents a soul and physical connection between you and another person. This message of convergence and union is reiterated throughout the reading as we see the energy of connecting with like-minded people, sharing thoughts and feelings, and being a part of something bigger than just you! I see a moment where you may be filled with self-doubt or find yourself criticizing yourself (the ultimate Leo move). Take the time this month for some SELF LOVE, treat yourself and affirm your growth, confidence, and EXISTENCE. You are here for a reason, you are loved!!!! There seems to be a sort of loss or moving on from something this month. This could also be Mercury Retrograde bringing up something from the past, and you assuring you are moved/moving on. Whatever this loss is, is for the best. You are truly aligning with your highest self this month and I couldn’t be prouder. The work you have put in recently will PAY OFF and you will be recognized for your approach to life and your creativity!! You’ve learned that slow and steady wins the race and you keep this perspective moving forward. AND HERE WE HAVE MOOORE LOVIN from the 6 of Pentacles and 6 of Swords. You are inspired this month! Moreover, you are inspiring others and helping others to realize their talents. Stay humble and do everything with pure intention. You’re in flow BABYYY, take action on your ideas and plans… YOURE READY, no approval from others needed!!


10 of Cups

10 of Swords

The Moon

Knight of Swords

4 of Wands

The High Priestess

The Hierophant

HAPPY JULY!! 10 of Cups to start?? CELEBRATION TIME! You are in a state of success, shared vision, team work, and love!! After this high energy time, you flux back down into a lower state. But, it’s no biggie!! This is important, it’s a time for yourself as Mercury Retrograde brings up unresolved energy to work through. The Knight of Swords shows up in this spread, showing that you could react quickly and be combative at times this month. But, let’s negotiate, talk, and compromise instead. On another note, there is an energy of collaboration, new ideas, encouragement, and enthusiasm. The High Priestess is our GODDESS CARD of this spread. She is here to bring balance between our spiritual and physical selves. With this Lunar Eclipse your intuition is increased. You know your power and there is no need to show, you are all knowing and euphoric baby!!! Lastly, the Hierophant appears as our lunar card. At the end of the month you are attuning to Source energy, you are a student of source, your lessons from within will come out and you are FINE TUNING YOUR CRAFT. GET IT BABY!!!


8 of Cups

Ace of Wands

Knight of Cups

Queen of Pentacles

10 of Pentacles


Queen of Wands

Dearest Libras it is time to welcome movement and emotion. One cannot occur without the other and this spread of cards proves that point perfectly. The 8 of Cups emphasizes the presence of emotions, learning lessons and moving forward! WOO HOO! Through these lessons you will be reminded of past trauma one final time before complete release. Once these emotions are dealt with and released it is time for new opportunities. Keep your eyes peeled for chances to change and do not think twice when the option arises. Though changes are at hand the Knight of Cups reminds of home. Do not feel pressured to leave your core when new opportunities appear but rather grow as a whole to embrace these changes fully. At this time whatever you choose you will feel a sense of belonging, hold onto it and trust your heart as this month holds lots of powerful energy for you Libra!!! Be appreciative of your journey and be grateful for the strength your heart and soul has spent to be here. Remember the lessons you learned in the beginning of the month because now in the middle your seeds are beginning to grow. Everything you plant will be reaped. Remember to reap the love, gratitude, and courage you wish to absorb. As your new garden grows do not fear the shift in course but rather trust as the Queen of Pentacles leads you to a higher intuition. At this time, you will feel as though your hard work throughout the month is paying off, BECAUSE IT IS! Stay present and grateful as the universe continues to give what it thinks you want. Believe in yourself baby!!!! Keep a light heart, a dedicated mind, and a free soul so the universe knows to repay you with the same! July has brought you many changes, chances, and shifts. Stay dedicated to the path chosen. Be sure to work from your heart rather than your ego. The ego tells you ‘work for money’, the heart tells you ‘work for expansion in love’. July is your time to keep growing, leavening, flourishing. It’s coming soon. 


High Priestess

10 of Swords


9 of Pentacles

The Magician

4 of Cups

Queen of Swords 

Scorpio, your July begins with a big spiritual push! You may be feeling intense urges, calls, or longings. This is your intuition kicking in with the call of the High Priestess card. Take note of these callings and how they make you feel. If you don’t already have a spiritual practice begin one or if you do, deepen it. Your limit has been reached. The emotions and trials you have been struggling through have reached a threshold and now it is time to take note on your current role and flow. Do not be influenced by drama around you; rather listen to your spirit and your guides as you rise this July. Windows of this vigor can be intimidating and emotionally difficult but trust the power of the presence and visualize the best-case scenario. As you look deep within yourself and focus only on your emotions the world around you will continue to change. Do not resist this change!!! Allow the chips to fall where they may and roll with it. Remember your power, the world is shifting around you, it may be draining, but it is all in accordance. YOU GOT THIS. The middle of the month is the perfect time to write some affirmations and really visualize the version of yourself you desire. Prepare for abundance! If anyone deserves it, it’s you Scorpio!!!! Find freedom in your life and welcome success, it’s been waiting for you. Keep your mind open as you visualize and affirm your strength. Connections and relationships are growing at this time for you. Nearing the end of the month you may feel drained again. Remember the power you felt as you released those draining ties and situations? Do it again!!! Prove to yourself and the universe you learned your lesson. Look within and see how you deal with struggle and that loss may be hard, you are strong enough!!! This month has lots of ups and downs, but hey it be like that sometimes. Be your own best friend and embrace your power!


Ace of Swords 

2 of Cups


9 of Pentacles

10 of Swords

4 of Cups

10 of Pentacles

Get excited Sagittarius this is a good month beginning with clear visions! When your goal is clear, you stay focused and you will reach the finish line! This clarity and alignment within you allow for an opportunity of new love. The 2 of Cups is about a union of souls, a really beautiful connection. The blessings keep on coming Sagittarius. Keep your alignment center and confidence high because manifestations are rolling your way!!! As you receive this month continue to be grateful for the success, stability, and freedom. With this love flowing towards you keep in mind what emphasizes this love and what drains this love. Use your new found confidence to release what drains you. Two cards emphasize this point so pay close attention to your relationships and habits; some may no longer be serving you. Finally stand by what you believe you deserve because the universe will always give you what you want. This July will end just as awesome as it started if you stay grateful, aware, and confident. The 10 of Pentacles brings forth reward, abundance, and sweet success!!! Enjoy your sweet, breezy July Sagittarius, you deserve it!


4 of Swords 

Queen of Cups 

5 of Wands 

The Lovers

High Priestess

Ace of Cups

7 of Pentacles 

Happy July Capricorn! Let’s start this month with taking time to realign and center yourself. You are halfway through 2019, a lot has happened to throw you out of wack…so take time to adjust and relax. Tune into your heart space and listen. Do not deny yourself of what you need. Know where you stand and what you deserve to avoid being taken advantage of. Let go of the ‘perfect plan’ you have been trying to follow!!! Keep your goal in sight and shift your path to the best fitting for you, no one else. As you rediscover your center and shape your path think of the long-term relationship you want with yourself. How will living a certain lifestyle now affect you in a month? Six months? Next July? Finally, with these adjustments made at the middle of the month you will feel confident hyped up to endure your path! Don’t show off your new found understandings but also don’t be afraid to share. As the month closes you will realize how much you’ve learned and how established your view on love is. Keep these soul-searching practices alive and end the month by planting the seeds you wish to sow in time. Clarity comes through your daily habits and rituals. Know yourself and know who you are becoming. 



10 of Wands 

9 of Cups

8 of Swords 

Page of Swords 




The World

This is a FULL month Aquarius friends!! In the beginning it may become apparent to you any habits, obsession, and situations that have help you captive. Listen to your heart and ask yourself “Is this what I want?”. Choose to break free from the situations or relationships that drain you!!! You deserve better than this baby, return to your inner child and stay connected to your roots. Embrace your highest, most pure self! Stay optimistic because the presence of the 8 of swords warns you of setbacks and lessons. This is not a bad thing but no matter what keep an open mind, you will overcome it. Keep stepping forward and make small adjustments to your daily life that you feel will bring you closer to your highest self. Do not judge others for being less open minded, you can only take care of yourself. The Empress confirms that everything you have done this month is for you Aquarius! Healing, support, love, and abundance surround you! At this later point in the month take the knowledge you’ve gained and breakdown your present lifestyle. Your understanding of a person or thing may be destroyed. This is painful but remember everything you learned this month and during the first half of 2019. You are strong enough to overcome whatever hurts you. The moon appears and symbolizes darkness. You may feel lost or blind. Do not fight it. Feel your way through it. FINALLY, you end with the World card! At the end of the month you will be reminded that the future is bright that all the struggle will soon be rewarded. Be grateful this whole month because ending with the world card is MAJOR!!


6 of Swords

5 of Swords

Knight of Wands

The Lovers


King of Pentacles

King of Cups

Alright my Pisces queens, let’s get into it. First of all, it is impossible to start this reading without stating that you have a special kind of intuitive knowledge. You possess an intuition that is incredibly unique. THIS MONTH IS ABOUT TRANSFORMATION. With this innate knowledge in the back of your mind, take a moment to think about how you have been approaching life lately. I see that through introspection and positive daily habits, you will begin to embark on a new journey. You are forging your own path in the world!!! In moving forward in your life, it is important to ask yourself a few questions, “Who am I? what qualities do I like about myself? What can I improve on as a person? Who do I want to be?”. Affirm these statements and possess them as if they already are yours… because they are!! You have the potential to fulfill all the best qualities about yourself, so what’s holding you back? Examination of conscience and affirmations seem to be a big theme this month, so act accordingly! I see you falling in love with yourself over and over again. You are a phoenix rising from the ashes. The Lovers and the Death card reveal that through loss you are loved and supported. Death is understood as a scary card to most, but in fact it is one of the most beautiful to receive in a spread! We cannot start brand new without letting everything go!! This month I urge you to let all your past issues, insecurities, traumas, self-image fall away. Remember, sometimes you have to lose in order to gain. Create space for loving energy, you deserve it. You are embarking on your journey; you are embodying the fullest most authentic version of yourself! You are supported through it all. We love you!!!!!

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