The beauty of this human experience is that we get to experience love in the 3D. Love is the most powerful emotion and we are so lucky we have a chance to be it, give it, share it and spread it. The feeling of love is not something that only a select few of us in relationships get to fully immerse ourselves in, but a gift we get to wake up to everyday.
See, the power of human emotions is that they can be accessed within us whenever we so choose. Let me repeat, we can feel love whenever we want. WHAT?! Yes, it is true. We don’t need to wait around for our other half to finally feel what it’s like to be loved. Are you seriously going to wait around, until someone finds you worthy to be loved by them? No, you’re not, because you are a bad ass bitch of love, light and beauty and you feel it because you know it.
You want to feel that right now you say? Here is my quick easy guide to help you fall in love instantly.
1. Find a mirror
2. Stand in front of it
3. Make eye contact with the person in the reflection (give her wink too lol ;) cuz she is feeling spicy today)
4. Note: the person in the reflection is you (A POWERFUL & BEAUTIFUL BEING OF LOVE)
5. Give yourself a lil kiss
6. Love that reflection – you can do this by listing all your favorite things about yourself, doing finger guns, or just taking a minute to realize that you are here, right now, in this moment (and it aint by accident) so remarkably unique and original and it is your time to shine
You may be thinking, it’s not that easy. Humans have a history of making things more difficult than they need to be, but it’s not our fault. We have been conditioned to believe that everything wonderful and amazing comes at a cost.
Yes, I know you’ve heard it all before: Love yourself and then you will find love. That’s not exactly what I’m saying… So let me take you all back to the law of attraction for a minute. Here’s the gist (I like to put it in terms of science so you understand just how real this really is), like attracts like. We know this, we have heard it before in science class, so whatever? Everything in this world is made up of energy: the stars, the earth, and us humans. Humans are constantly emitting energetic frequencies whether we know it or not (seriously, we are) and that energy effects the world around us. Every single human emotion runs at a specific energetic frequency, attracting that same frequency back (like a boomerang). When we embrace the feeling of love (the highest energetic frequency), when we are love – a walking beam of magnetic and beautiful flowing energy, all things that are a vibrational and energetic match have no choice but to flow easily and abundantly to us.
I love you all. Thanks for reading and thanks for just being you, because it is more than enough.
DISCLAIMER: Please love yourself responsibly and abundantly.